Dear Kenowa Hills Middle School Families,
As we wrap up another busy week, I want to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who attended Parent-Teacher Conferences. Your dedication to your child’s education is truly invaluable, and we appreciate the time you took to connect with our teachers. Your partnership plays a vital role in creating the best possible learning environment for our students!
A special thank you to those who generously donated to our staff and student appreciation account. Your kindness and support mean so much, and our team is incredibly grateful for your thoughtfulness.
March is Reading Month: Encourage your child to participate in our school-wide reading challenges and dive into some great books!
Parking Lot Safety Reminder
Student safety is our top priority. Please follow these guidelines during morning drop-off:
✅ Use two lanes:
The curb lane is for those needing extra time or waiting until 7:30 AM.
The next lane is for quick drop-offs—please pull forward and keep traffic moving.
🚫 Do not drop off students in the middle of the parking lot.
Your cooperation helps keep everyone safe—thank you!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Dodge
Principal, Kenowa Hills Middle School
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, March 14 – 🍩 Donut Sale (morning) – Supports our new KHMS-PG
Friday, March 14 – 🎉 Middle School Dance
Wednesday, March 26 - Parent Group Meeting 5:30 pm
Thursday, March 27 – 🍽️ Applebee’s Fundraiser – Eat to support KHMS-PG Applebee’s Flyer
Trading Card Club - Wednesdays 2:45-4:30 pm
Anime Club - Thursdays 2:45-4:30 pm
Dear Kenowa Hills Middle School Families,
We had a short but fantastic week of learning, and it’s been great to see our students show their school spirit during our Spirit Days!
NWEA Progress Reports
Your student’s NWEA Progress Report was sent home this week, during Connect Class—keep an eye out for it!
Spring Conferences
Conferences are just two weeks away! We’d love to connect—use the Spring Conference Link to schedule a meeting with your student’s teachers.
Parking Lot Safety Reminder
Student safety is our priority. Please use the designated drop-off lane in the morning to keep traffic flowing smoothly. For their safety, avoid dropping students off in the middle of the parking lot.
Thank you for your support! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Mr. Dodge
Principal, Kenowa Hills Middle School
Upcoming Dates:
March 4, 6-7: Conferences
March 7: Half Day
March 14: Dance
Trading Card Club - Wednesdays 2:45-4:30 pm
Anime Club - Thursdays 2:45-4:30 pm
Dear Kenowa Hills Middle School Families,
As we wrap up February, we’ve had a fantastic final week celebrating Paint Kenowa Green and Black History Month. Thank you to everyone who participated and made these events meaningful for our school community!
Spring Conferences Are Next Week!
If you haven’t signed up yet, please use the link below to schedule a meeting with your student’s teachers. Conferences are a great opportunity to collaborate and ensure our students’ success. We look forward to connecting with you!
Supporting Our Staff & Students
This year, we established a Parent Activities Account, which helps fund various initiatives, including providing meals for our staff during conference week. Your generosity in supporting this effort is greatly appreciated—thank you!
Parking Lot Safety Reminder
Student safety is our top priority. Please follow these guidelines during morning drop-off:
✅ Use two lanes:
The curb lane is for those needing extra time or waiting until 7:30 AM.
The next lane is for quick drop-offs—please pull forward and keep traffic moving.
🚫 Do not drop off students in the middle of the parking lot.
Your cooperation helps keep everyone safe—thank you!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Dodge
Principal, Kenowa Hills Middle School
Upcoming Dates:
March 4, 6-7: Conferences
March 7: Half Day
March 14: Dance
March 26: Parent Group Meeting 5:30 pm
Trading Card Club - Wednesdays 2:45-4:30 pm
Anime Club - Thursdays 2:45-4:30 pm
Nothing is more precious than your children. Find out how we work to ensure students feel safe, valued, and that they belong.
Safety and Security Commitment to Anti-Bullying Creating Inclusive Environments Safety DrillsLife is busy. At Kenowa Hills, we partner with families to make life easier.
TRANSPORTATION BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CAREOur Personal Mastery educational experience has redefined education and has gained attention around the state and nation. Personal Mastery provides your child with personalized attention from teachers. Instead of teaching to a broad group of students without an understanding of their individual strengths and weaknesses, Personal Mastery allows teachers to interact with students individually or in small groups to help them better address their weaknesses. In this way, we strive to help your child reach their full potential.
PERSONAL MASTERY SPECIAL EDUCATION ENGLISH LEARNERS TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOMAt the home of the Knights, athletic programs are a vital part of building character, drive, commitment, and teamwork for our student athletes.
UP-TO-DATE SPORTS INFO ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT YOUTH SPORTS Athletic BoostersThe arts build pride and community at Kenowa Hills. From our Marching Knights to musical performances at our Performing Arts Center, we believe the student experience really is a work of art.