Kenowa Hills
Central Elementary



At Central Elementary we believe if you have a child’s heart, you have a child’s mind. Every one of our educators works to maintain a warm family environment in order to provide students the ideal space to feel welcome, included and loved so they’re ready to learn. Central Elementary Knights start every morning together on the playground by greeting each other warmly, reciting our social contract – Central SHINES, celebrating birthdays, and giving shout-outs to the students that were HEROs (Helping Everyone Respect Others), and reminding all of us of our monthly life skill. Once inside, each student is embraced warmly by the adults with a hug, a high-five, or a handshake. Central’s “SHINES” is our code of cooperation which encourages students to Show Respect, Have Self-Control, Is Trustworthy, Never Gives Up, Engaged to Learn, Stay Safe. Students receive a SHINE slip when they are caught following our code of cooperation. Go Knights! Central SHINES!

As a school community and family, we look out for each other. One way we do this is through our SUNS (Students United Navigating School) program – a peer-to-peer program where third, fourth, and fifth graders take turns teaching others about friendship and social skills. In turn, the program has improved our culture in the areas of understanding, tolerance, and kindness.

While comfort, safety, inclusion, and acceptance are of the utmost importance here, so is academic success. Personalized Learning through differentiation and small group instruction has been fully integrated into our classrooms, meaning students are met where they are in their mastery of content and are individually encouraged based on their areas of needed growth or acceleration. Personalized Learning also means an increase in collaboration, productive struggle, encouraging teamwork, problem-solving, and a better understanding of each other’s thinking and perspectives. Students have a voice and choice in their learning, meaning we are growing the future leaders of our communities.

We are proud to have both the highest academic standards and a learning environment that is encouraging and engaging, where every student has a place to thrive. The Michigan Department of Education has recognized Central Elementary as a Reward School. And Capturing Kids' Hearts has named Central Elementary a National Showcase School again for 2023-24 - our second consecutive year holding this title. These are tremendous honors for the Central Elementary learning community!

See the Central Elementary 2024-25 Annual Education Report.

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Kenowa Hills Central Elementary is a school where all students have an open path to get involved, build strong friendships, and succeed both academically and socially.

Central Elementary

Principal: Dr. Cherie Horner

Assistant Principal: Chris Bernard

Secretaries Aleece Yancey & Kim VanOeveren

Address: 4252 3 Mile Rd NW. Grand Rapids, MI 49534

Phone: (616) 453-6351

Fax: (616) 453-9686

Student Schedule: 8:35 a.m. - 3:37 p.m.

Half-Day Student Schedule: 8:35 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.

Main Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Earliest Drop Off (no morning recess) 8:30 a.m.

Attendance: (616) 453-6351, option 1

Child Life Specialist: Alissa Rodriguez,

School Psychologist: Beth Willson,

Nurse: Michelle Sikkema, BSN, RN, (616) 453-6351 ext. 6202 or

Upcoming Events

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Board of Education Meeting - March

Monday, March 24, 2025 - at 6:00pm - 8:00pm

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Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting - Mar

Monday, March 10, 2025 - at 6:00pm - 8:00pm

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Footloose, KHHS Spring Musical - March 27-29

Thursday, March 27, 2025 - (all day)

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