What is Title IX?
“No person...shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
-20 U.S.C. § 1681(a)
We work diligently to ensure the educational environment at Kenowa Hills Public Schools is free from sex-based harassment.
Title IX Compliance
The Board designates Brooke Davis and Bill Dinkelmann as the District’s Title IX Coordinators. If you have questions regarding Title IX compliance please email them to tixcoordinator@khps.org.
Brooke Davis Kenowa Hills Public Schools Director of Mental Health 2325 Four Mile Rd. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544 616.453.2511 ext. 2260 | Bill Dinkelmann Kenowa Hills Public Schools Assistant Superintendent 2325 Four Mile Rd NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544 616.784.2511 ext. 8202 |
Reporting Forms
Forms are available for students and staff to support their efforts to report incidents and concerns related to Title IX.
Click here to access the student reporting form.
Click here to access the employee reporting form.
Board Policy
Kenowa Hills Public Schools Board Policy - Sexual Violence
Coordinator Training
Title IX Sexual Harassment Comprehensive Training (August 8, 2024)
KHPS Staff Training
All KHPS Staff and Administrators receive Title IX training through our SafeSchools video module platform.
Nothing is more precious than your children. Find out how we work to ensure students feel safe, valued, and that they belong.
Safety and Security Commitment to Anti-Bullying Creating Inclusive Environments Safety DrillsLife is busy. At Kenowa Hills, we partner with families to make life easier.
TRANSPORTATION BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CAREOur Personal Mastery educational experience has redefined education and has gained attention around the state and nation. Personal Mastery provides your child with personalized attention from teachers. Instead of teaching to a broad group of students without an understanding of their individual strengths and weaknesses, Personal Mastery allows teachers to interact with students individually or in small groups to help them better address their weaknesses. In this way, we strive to help your child reach their full potential.
PERSONAL MASTERY SPECIAL EDUCATION ENGLISH LEARNERS TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOMAt the home of the Knights, athletic programs are a vital part of building character, drive, commitment, and teamwork for our student athletes.
UP-TO-DATE SPORTS INFO ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT YOUTH SPORTS Athletic BoostersThe arts build pride and community at Kenowa Hills. From our Marching Knights to musical performances at our Performing Arts Center, we believe the student experience really is a work of art.